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Hi everyone!

Hope you are safe and well during these crazy times...especially my fellow Melbourne Hoopsters!

We are just over a week out from the season starting (if you don't include the Carabao Cup tie v Plymouth Argyle FC) and I thought I'd use this opportunity to update all our members with what's going on.


Firstly, QPR have got back all the international Supporters Groups offering 20% off the new 2020-21 QPR shirts. Like last time, I will organise orders and pay the order in bulk when I've received everyone's payments.

I am just in the process of finding out if we can also get the club shop to send out everyone's orders as 1) we got into a right pickle with Customs the last time we tried receiving bulk orders & 2) the lockdown makes it difficult to shave off some postage costs and have the shirts delivered via meets ups.

I will have details on how & when to order via the Facebook Group & Members Email as soon as I get a confirmation on all the various postage costs for 1, 2, 3 & 4 shirt deliveries!


QPR have asked if ALL of our members can fill in this very quick & simple International Group Members survey!

By completing this survey, you will go into the draw to win a squad signed 2020-21 QPR Signed Shirt! To qualify for the draw, it must be in by Friday 16th October. It only takes 2 mins so don't delay :)

Thanks so much in advance!


As some of you would have noticed, the HDU site needs to have its domain ( re-connected properly and to do this through Wix, it costs money.

I don't like to keep hounding our Members for money, so there are a few things I am organising or thinking of doing.

First, a squad signed 2020-21 QPR Signed Shirt will be raffled off again and proceeds for this raffle will go towards payment of the website. I will send out details regarding this soon! Watch this space! Note: All Members receive one free entry into our 2020-21 Squad Signed QPR Home Shirt Raffle.

Secondly, I am looking into more HDU apparel and the possibilities of what we could do. The shirt was a success last time, however, this time I am thinking a scarf, cap (given it's summer for us) or Beer Stubby Holders...or all of the above. Again proceeds to go towards the website. I will keep investigating!

Please email me at if you have any ideas/suggestions.


We are 9 days away from the new season and as mentioned on our Facebook Group, I will be running the Hoops Down Under Skybet Championship Tipping Competition for Season 2020-21.

Despite the Covid-19 disruption, our first ever comp last season was a big success and I have confirmed with QPR that a squad signed 2020-21 QPR Home shirt (+ a cash prize) will be awarded to 1st place once again.

There will also be cash prizes for 2nd & 3rd place.

This time around, the club has promised me they will get the shirt signed late into the season (so it's as current as can be) and they will post the shirt directly to the 1st place winner.

Details on how to enter & how to pay the season entry fee are here:


Given the crazy times with Covid-19, I imagine it's going to be difficult, especially here in Victoria, to meet for QPR games as freely as we once did in the good ol' non-pandemic days!

I am always keen to have meets take place so long as it is safe (& lawful) to do so.

Unfortunately, it's a matter of wait and see regarding this, but as always, I am most happy to organise and promote these meet ups with my State Reps and make it happen where possible!

Again, it is just a matter of watching this space for this!


Given the website isn't yet fully operational, I have had to take down the Hoops Down Under Shop section for now, so if you would like to become a member of this fantastic group, deposit $5 to: NAME: MC Davis

BSB: 083-004

Acct No: 19-728-3154

Use HDU + First name Initial & Surname as reference (eg. HDU M Davis)

And then email me at with your Name, State, Mobile Number & Email Address. Also please complete the QPR Members Survey here:

I will add your name to our MEMBERS PAGE That's all for now! Be back with another update very soon! COME ON YOU RRRRRRRSSS! Mark Davis Co-Founder of the Hoops Down Under


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